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iPhone Apps And Update Info

Feb 8, 2013:
Piggybank By Weight for the iPhone is no more. My experience with iOS app development was less than inspiring, so I've gone the way of Android. I wrote an article that summarizes my experience as an app developer with iOS. Enjoy.

To Hell And Mac: A PC Guys’ Brief Misadventure In The Kingdom Of Apple
Copyright 2010 John Dreese

Feb 23, 2011:
I've gotten rid of my iPhone and now I'm using an Android phone, so there won't be any more iOS updates. However, I am writing an Android version of PiggyBank By Weight. I must say, it is much easier to program for Android than for iOS.

July 24, 2010:
If you use a bathroom scale to weigh out your coins, you can expect an error of about 4 to 5 percent. The best scale to use is a postage scale or a food scale. I use a food scale that weighs up to five pounds. If my pile of coins weighs more, then I break it up into several chunks. You can contact me at jjdreese@gmail.com

July 23, 2010:
Our free application PiggyBank By Weight has been very successful. Thanks to all of you who are using it. If you have suggestions for improvements, please send them to me at jjdreese@gmail.com